Monday, December 1, 2008

Reason? Magazine

One of the biggest pieces of B.S. (bad syllogism) is the following:
  All people who claim to be Objectivists are Objectivists.
Tom claims to be an Objectivist
Tom is an Objectivist.

From this we get:
Tom is an Objectivist
Everything Tom says must, on its face,  be something an Objectivisit would say.
Tom says he won't marry a fat woman who goes to church.
Tom is an idiot (see side syllogism re: Tom's idiocy).
Objectivists are idiots QED

This sort of reasoning was displayed in spades in a New York Magazine column and its comments section just yesterday.  It is then quoted in Reason Magazine's web site without further comment.  Reason is, despite its name, no friend of Ayn Rand or Objectivism.   Had it lived up to its name, it might have pointed out what I just pointed out, that to believe that the people who belong to an organization are uniformly aware of the things they are claiming to believe, is racism at the very least.  But maybe they are more concerned with subscription cancellations than with  speaking up when reason is murdered.

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This blog is dedicated to the occcasional jotting down of my more extended essays. My profile will tell you that my areas of formal training are piano performance and philosophy. I have, therefore, the advantage of being an educated layman in economics history, painting, sales, business.

Here is the premise on which my blog is based: A is A. Many consider this an empty, meaningless statement because it is self-evident. But I regard it as powerful for that very reason. It is self-evident that a thing is what it is. In the context of this blog, another way to put it is this: wishing, praying, and government micro- and macro-managemennt will not make it other than it is.
