Thursday, September 4, 2008

Palin’ in Comparison

Well, the Republican Party finally looks like what it is – a kind of folksy, girl-next-door firecracker who talks about Big Government and standing up for American Values (you know – Apple Pie and Motherhood.  Sure can’t forget motherhood) and a tottering ex-war hero with dictatorial ambitions who wants to silence anyone who has enough money to make a difference , continue the hopeless and wrongheaded war in Iraq, and talks about a National Service Corps.  The emphasis here is on Folksy, with a capital F, which stands for what the, and rhymes with trick my truck.

By comparison, the Democrats look like champions of reason – a much-needed and long neglected characteristic of that elite bunch that are educated.   Forget what the Democrats actually support and what it will do to the country (the word starts with ‘d’),  if you’ve been educated in today’s schools in the basic subjects of socialization, multiculturalism and the environment, guess who you’ll vote for.   Yes, this election is Obama’s to lose.

I know I’ll be voting for him.   Call it my version of the Starnsville walkout.  


P. S.  Have you ever wondered why Country Music has become the last bastion of values in the pop universe?  

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This blog is dedicated to the occcasional jotting down of my more extended essays. My profile will tell you that my areas of formal training are piano performance and philosophy. I have, therefore, the advantage of being an educated layman in economics history, painting, sales, business.

Here is the premise on which my blog is based: A is A. Many consider this an empty, meaningless statement because it is self-evident. But I regard it as powerful for that very reason. It is self-evident that a thing is what it is. In the context of this blog, another way to put it is this: wishing, praying, and government micro- and macro-managemennt will not make it other than it is.
