Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The congress is the kind of doctor that we shouldn't trust


The metaphor that contrasts surgery and a patient with cancer with this monetary crisis and the government bailout is totally fallacious. The doctor knows what he is doing, he is doing it with the patients permission, is not doing something just to do something, has a valid scientific basis for it and, hopefully, is speaking plainly to his patient about the fact that this will change his life.  In other words, it's not more of the same poison.  The bailout is the same "pragmatic" range-of-the-moment poison that has caused this mess.  The nation needs to go cold turkey. Period.

Someone needs to tell this patient that the government is no longer going to get in their way or try to help with their problems.  Maybe we'd all grow up.

The doctor who is not willing to tell his patient that he is not doing healthy things is not worth the money he's paid.

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This blog is dedicated to the occcasional jotting down of my more extended essays. My profile will tell you that my areas of formal training are piano performance and philosophy. I have, therefore, the advantage of being an educated layman in economics history, painting, sales, business.

Here is the premise on which my blog is based: A is A. Many consider this an empty, meaningless statement because it is self-evident. But I regard it as powerful for that very reason. It is self-evident that a thing is what it is. In the context of this blog, another way to put it is this: wishing, praying, and government micro- and macro-managemennt will not make it other than it is.
